The 1st low polyamine nutritional formula for malnourished patients at high risk or presenting chronic pain
Polydol® is indicated to the malnourished patients suffering or high risk to chronic pain.
The nutritional status of the patient will be regularly reevaluated.
The lengths of the proposed programs are just as a recommendation. The initial length should be a maximum of 30 days, to be renewed a maximum of 3 months.

Nutritional programs:

1) Polydol®  intensive
5 Polydol® /day + 1 breakfast polyamine low x 4 weeks
In what cases: Chronic pain

2) Polydol®   standard
3 Polydol® /day + 1 breakfast  and 1 meal, both polyamine low x 2 weeks (1 week before surgery and 1 week after surgery)
In what cases: Post-surgery pain

* it is recommended to associate Polydol®   to meals with the lowest polyamines possible content.

What is Polydol®?

Polydol® is a hyperproteinic and hyperenergetic dietetic food intended to the following special medical applications: a) chronic pain, b) post-surgery pain

  • Low polyamine content
  • Rich in omega 3 fat acids (EPA, DHA)
  • Gluten free, lactose free
  • Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, coffee, biscuit, vegetables and caramel cream drinks
  • 3 to 5 per day